Wednesday, October 20, 2010

City of God.

In the films studied throughout the course you need to make sure that you cover the following exam criteria:

An appreciation of the messages and values contained within the chosen films. What is the film saying about the society it depicts? Is there a moral message?

Through out  the film there are messages and values shown and a main one of which shows that within the poor environment that they live in no matter if they are a part of one of the gangs, just a person trying to live their lives or someone who wants to escape from the city- They all seem to eventually get involved with the violence or crimes due to one reason or another, whetever its due to revenge or to having no other choice- it seems to be inevitable.

Although saying this on the other hand the main character, works hard (eventually) and through his ambitions finds

 An understanding of contexts, especially time and place. Do some background research on when and where the film is set. Was there any controversy when it was released?

The film itself shows background information on both the country itself and the characters, you don't have to have any additional information before hand to understand or to fully enjoy the film as it is roughly outlined within the beginning itself.

Through out the film there are many time changes, for example the very beginning of the film links in with the very end of the film and the rest inbetween is shown as a story being told and very much from the main characters P.O.V,

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